Weekend Reflection #40 We are Going to the Moon

I’m sorry I’m posting this late. This week was pretty busy. I actually stuck with my work plan and blogged for 5-6 hours each day. I saw my traffic go up as a result. Now I know what I need to do to increase my readership on this blog. But, yesterday I decided to do the housework that I was putting off and spend the day with my oldest.

My husband went down to Galt to take a test for a state job and the little ones went to Grandma and Grandpa’s for the day. Courtney helped me organize the kids toys and she cleaned her room and Conan’s room. I also learned that she and I both are fond of Andrew Loydd Webber. So we went online and downloaded a bunch of songs from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Evita, and Cats. She also found some more from the Phantom of the Opera. I think I embarrassed her because I did a song and dance number to Go, Go, Go Joseph. She’s sitting here reading what I’m writing and chuckling. We had a lot of fun yesterday.

The little ones have this new joke with their dad that’s really quite cute. Whenever the whole family is in the van going somewhere Ciara asks, “Where are we going, Daddy?” He usually replies, “To the moon.” If one of us answers “We are going home.” Or answers with the correct location of where we are headed one of the kids will reply, “No, we are going to the moon.” It got so carried away the other day that when we were going home right around dinner time Ciara started asking what we were having for dinner. Her dad replied “Moon pies.” This was a start of a whole new game. Ciara went back and forth asking us what we were having for dinner. Mom and Dad replied with silly meals. “Moon Pizza.” “Moon Spaghetti.” “Moon Hamburgers.” “Moon Tacos.” Then Conan got into the action and replied with his favorite food. “Moon Cheerios.” So what are you having for dinner? Tonight we are having Moon Penne with Moon Jello, Moon Bread and Moon Butter, and Moon Peas.


To participate in this meme add your link to Mr. Linky’s. Then make a blog post reflecting back on your week with a link back to Weekend Reflection Sponsored by Healthy Moms. I will visit everyone that participates.


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2 Thoughts to “Weekend Reflection #40 We are Going to the Moon”

  1. Haha! How cute! Sounds like you have a fun, very cute little family! I’m glad your readership is going up! More people need to hear about this blog!Question… How did you get that bar on the side that has “most commented?” and how do you spend 5-6 hours A DAY blogging?! What do you do?!

  2. There is a link underneath the “most commented” links. That should take you to the page to get the code for that widget. I get up at 3am every morning and blog until about 6 or 7. Then I blog in 30 minute increments throughout the day as long as my kids are behaving. So far its working.

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